Monday, May 23, 2011

May 22, 2011

The world has survived the misinformation that has been doled out by yet another false prophet. These date setting predictions are not anything new. The Russelites (Jehovah's Witnesses) and the Millerites (Seventh Day Adventists), have littered history with such debacle, as have many others.

As long as there has been a Church in the world, there has been the attempt of the enemy to add a bizarre twist to the gospel message. Thankfully though, as long as there has been a Church in the world, there has also been that clear and certain sound of truth. Real truth does not leave someone floundering, or in a state of confusion. Real truth heals the wounds, real truth pours in the “oil and the wine.”

One thing Harold Camping succeeded in is, He got the whole world thinking and talking about the Rapture. Though he was wrong about the time, the truth is, Jesus really will come and collect His Church. In Titus 2:13, Paul refers to it as the “Blessed Hope.” We live in a world filled with people that need to share in this hope.

We cannot offer a date on the calendar as to when Jesus will return for His Church. We would be foolish to try, but we can offer the “Blessed Hope.” As the world regains it’s composure, after a man and his followers have made yet another false prophesy, our message, “The Blessed Hope”, remains constant.

To read more from the Pastor's Page, you can click here 
or visit our website at

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Media Department Video

The Pentecostals of Parker County Media Department has put together a commercial for our Church and posted it on YouTube. "We are going to be trying to utilize this medium more, as our church grows," said Brother Duncan, PoPC Media Team Leader. "I don't see why we couldn't be using [YouTube] as an evangelism tool to help our church reach out to more people." He went on to say, "The initial response to this video was favorable, so we're looking into creating a whole new campaign around this initial concept to reach out to our community."

You can see the video in it's entirety by going to the PoPC media page or just by clicking on this link.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Church Services are now on iTunes

   We have been recording and posting our sermons for some time now on The thought of people being able to hear true Acts 2:38 preaching on the internet positively thrills us and we are trying to get the message out to as many people as possible.
   After submitting our Church service podcasts to iTunes a couple of times, they finally saw fit to approve and add our sermons to their store. You can subscribe to our podcast by searching the iTunes store for "Pentecostals of Parker County" or you can try this direct link they sent me