Parents love their children and want the best for them, but when a child becomes rebellious or unruly, the parents don’t stop loving their child. With God, sin doesn’t stop His love for us, It frustrates Him, just as it would any parent whose child is disobedient.
Parents will tell their children to stay away from a hot stove, lest they get burned. To look both ways before crossing the street for fear that a car might come, or even, “Don’t use that hair dryer in the bathtub!” These instructions are meant to preserve their lives.
Parents also ask their children to pick up their clothes, bathe and brush their teeth, or take out the trash on a regular basis. To the kids, these seem like arbitrary chores made up by the parent to make their lives miserable, but the parents know that these things are the building blocks of a mature, healthy, and stable lifestyle. A life that is characterized by responsibility and honesty. A life that has disappointments, yes, but few regrets.
God is not so different in dealing with us. As we go through the Bible and learn of Him, we see that some of His “commands” are meant to preserve our lives. And some of His instruction, guides us into building our strength of character and maintaining our integrity. (like turning the other cheek (Matthew 5:39). Praying for those that despitefully use us and loving our enemies (Matthew 5:44)).
I think the most important way God does differ from parents, though, is that He is ever patient with us. I believe our limited scope of the ‘big picture’ just won’t let us truly realize just how patient and loving he is. In Romans 8:35-39 Paul asks us, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” Can anything turn away the love of this same Christ that was cursed, spat on, and beaten unjustly, yet with His love for us, looked throughout the span of time and suffered it all to provide the final sacrifice for the torment of our sins? Oh that we could only begin to understand the depth of his love.
Parents, be as patient with your children as God would be with you. It may seem they have only just begun to walk and now they want to run, but teach them how to hold tight to God’s hand and they will never fall!
Children, listen and learn from your parents and you will fly to heights unimaginable. Just remember, you too, may be parents someday yourselves and you will have to teach your own children how to successfully make it through this world.
Everything you are today, is comprised of what you experienced while you were growing up. What you will be like in the future, will be greatly determined by what you learn today.
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” - Matthew 11:29
Isn't that our goal anyway?
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